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Which God should we worship?

Verfasst: Mi 4. Jul 2012, 00:05
Which God should we worship?
THE BOOK DESLICHTS teaches us that for THREE "major gods" are:
Third THE LOGOS of our solar system.
THE ABSOLUTE is the first cause, to which everything arises and into which everything returns. It is the NEGATION of all that is personal. OM.
THE SUPERMONADE manifests from the original ground and is the highest for each Mahamanvantara spirit essence into manifestation. It is, though the highest, yet personal.
THE LOGOS of our solar system in turn is a EMANATION or ON BEAM us a sense of Supermonade and even closer, because THE LOGOS We took the original ground and in HIS system "scattered".
Such is now the situation. WE ALL ESSENTIAL come naturally to the first cause, we are re-absorbed into the.
Now that we have THE ABSOLUTE, THE LOGOS URMONADE and our solar system, whose body the sun ist.OM.
Whom to whom we can worship?
BEHIND the SUPERMONADE is the incomprehensible sphere of the Absolute. Let us turn first to the Absolute. If I wanted to adore it, I would have to first know what it is, so it RECOGNIZE. This is again not because the original cause or THE ABSOLUTE is unknowable, which does not mean that it is not the Absolute. I only know ESIST unerkennbar.Wenn the Absolute can NOT, the only logical conclusion that I'm there ESSENCE ESSENTIAL as a knowing, because all I KNOW, I am NOT essential. The knower is not what is known, the knower IS the primary cause. This first cause is IN ALL OF U.S., from the smallest worm to the highest God-man. Why do so few? Because they identify more with the same DETECTED. As long as this still happens, can not be the first cause. Obtained by the not so WORSHIP but by breaking away from all the known. This is done through teaching and in turn SOUL BREATHING MEDITATION.OM. So are TEACHING MEDITATION and the right way, the original cause to be AWARE and there united with him to his rest. It is a mystery, but once again the most real thing there is. OM. Through worship we will not be the first cause, because yes WORSHIP includes RECOGNIZED always something that you will adore.
As it stands now with the
Since there is already something else. We are their emanation, though not yet fully aware of us. THE SUPERMONADE is the highest manifestation of spiritual beings in the entire Mahamanvantara. That COULD we worship, but not in a childish manner, "Dear monad, help me pay the rent." Etc. etc., but by knowing the true NATURE IN EDUCATION by the Supermonade and learn and then sent to this prayer, like this: "Let me get your status, so that I can serve the entire universe". That would be A form of worshiping the Supermonade. Before I adore them so I would naturally have even KNOW what the SUPERMONADE really IS. This teaches us THE BOOK OF LIGHT. Now for
LOGOS of our solar system.
Whenever we look at day in the cloudless sky, we see God, and his body the SUN. This God is to us the next time that we have only intelligible beings, because ES are indeed taken from the original ground and sprinkled into his system. "In him we live and move" as they say in the Bible. CREATE has allowed us NOT because we are God's spark as monads, timeless uncreated eternal. The humanities have gone eons have worshiped THE SUN, but not actually the sun, but THE ESSENCE in the sun. This was done as described in the BOOK OF LIGHT, by Deva-angel line with color and energy vibration. OM.
If the religions pray to Christ that is, they really mean the sun god, who has been crucified in the solar system matter, and now ist.OM. flesh of our flesh
BUT, dear ones, you want to penetrate to the Absolute, as I strive for it, then forget about any kind of worship, because it reacts ABSOLUTELY NOT. There is no personal God. "Personal gods" are the Supermonade and the respective logos of a solar system. THE one can, to the knowledge of their true nature, worship and meditate in their direction, and they WILL respondieren. But they should not worship at achieving worldly goals but to help and assist in overcoming the particular desire that our awareness of this very moderate Supermonade and logos trennt.OM.
But lo, dear ones, if we search for our existence ACTUAL source, then we must go beyond the logo and the SUPERMONADE ...
Who is able to grasp, let him take es.OM.
Love and light your Lanoo.